Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Beginnings

Edwin & I attended my cousin's wedding this weekend... everything was perfect! The couple was beaming with love, flowers were fabulous, the cathedral was beautiful, the horsd'oeuvers were to die for and the evening was just a delight all together.

As I pondered during the ceremony on the journey this couple was beginning in life as husband and wife, it got me thinking . . . Life in it self is a journey we take everyday! We decide to make a left here & a right there with our decisions. We can either choose to make the best of another day we are given and do the little things to improve or elect to be a conformist to all the curve balls life throws at us. Obviously there are more than a handful of things or situations that are out of our control, but I much rather fail knowing I tried my best than failing knowing I did not give one hundred and ten percent.

So today, lets strive to make the best of what we are given even though we may not understand why certain things happen, because we are never guaranteed tomorrow.

And with that said, best wishes to the newlyweds... May you always be surrounded with love & happiness!!!

Although I was not the photographer at the wedding here is a look at the fabulous flowers at the ceremony.

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