Friday, November 5, 2010

TONYA JOY WORKSHOP: Let them eat cake!

Last month I was very fortunate to attend a Tonya Joy workshop! Let me tell you, she is Ah-mazing! Its evident in all her pictures and all the work she puts into every single detail. This was my first workshop so I wasn't sure what to expect... the day was jam-packed with mentoring, Q&A, two styled shoots and delicious food. I had a wonderful time learning from someone as successful yet so down to earth as Tonya Joy & meeting a great group of people! Here are some shots from that day...

Aren't all the details just to die for?!

 I love the vintage typewriter... already bought myself one on Ebay :)

Venue catering/pastries and cake: Kristina Kendig

The attendees <3

Everyone getting in on the fun

 Tonya Joy letting us in on her secrets ;)

Overall, I had a wonderful time & learned so much. THANK YOU Tonya for opening up your home & for answering our questions without reservations.. You truly are an inspiration in my life and I am forever grateful! I went home with tons of useful information and with a renewed interest to be creative.

More on the styled shoots coming next week... until then Happy Friday loves'


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