Friday, November 19, 2010


I've been blown away by the response on my blog the last 24 hours.... 300+ visits! And they are from all over the world. I feel incredibly blessed to have wonderful family, friends & peers who share my blog. Ever since I started this blog, I've wanted it to be about my journey in life, as a wife and photographer...   and a place where other photographers can find useful info, once I get that good. I have faith ;) 

A special shout out to those of you who left a comment on my last post. As you may know, it was my first official wedding! I was nervously excited all at the same time to share the images with everyone. Of course there is always room for improvement, but for being my first, I'm happy. So thank you to those that left me some love and encouraging words, I appreciate each one. You all have a special place in my heart. Thank you to those that have ever shared my blog. Thank you to those who take time out of your busy day to stop by & check out whats new. To the Man upstairs for blessing me with special people in my life and all the opportunities I've been given and those to come.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday~!

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